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V is for Valentine AND VAT RATES but that's another post

Today is Valentines day and while I have no cards to awwww over, nor flowers I can leave on the table to die, nor chocolates I can pretend not to be interested in then wolf down after the giver of said chocolates has gone away, I have social media!! And when you have social media, poodles, you have EVERYTHING. I also have to write this post on theme because love is a beautiful thing (the rebel warrior in me just pissed on my leg and walked away).

Now lets get into what you all may think valentines day for a superstar (shut up.I have faith okay damn!) a SUPERSTAR like myself looks like. I will make a little table or chart or something, and on one side will be the superstar valentines day and on the other side, the regular valentines day and then we will have social media’s valentines day. Okay lets do it.

I told you guys, social media is everything (and clearly also drunk as hell). So there you have it, I had a great valentines day. Not because anything remotely "valentiney" happened, but because my AC failed in it's mission, I am alive and I will stay that way.

The line of work that I am in doesn't necessarily afford you anything more or less than the regular guy behind an office desk. If anything that person is more certain of a salary every month than an actor is. There is a stage you get to (AFTER YOU HAVE BUILT VALUE OVER TIME), when airlines fund your flights and hotels pick up your bill. However there is a process to get there and together we will uncover that process post by post.

Before I sign out, let me say that if you had a day somewhat like mine and you feel like you have no love in your life for whatever reason; don’t feel bad. You do have love, it is all around you (unless of course you live in Nigeria where snakes eat up literally anything)

But seriously, you don’t have to be acknowledged by another person to be a loved person. It’s not too late in the day; buy yourself something. Take yourself out to a nice dinner or a lounge with good music and buy yourself a drink. And if you’re wondering what that faint whiff of Lysol disinfectant in the air is, don’t worry it’s just me:):)

Happy valentines Da


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